Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Do you find yourself feeling discouraged, unmotivated, or disengaged from your life?

Or maybe you notice that you’re often agitated, on edge, irritable, tense.

Are these feelings making it hard to get inspired by the work you do, to muster the desire to go about your daily activities, or to spend time with family and friends?

Therapy with me can help you relate to these challenging feelings and experiences differently.

Together we will identify the patterns of thinking,

feeling and behaving that contribute to your distress,

and find more effective ways to respond.

I can help you work through some of the following:

  • Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.
  • Difficulty communicating or having sexual intimacy.
  • Changes in appetite or sleep such as excessive sleeping or the inability to sleep.
  • Anger or irritability.
  • Difficulty enjoying previously-enjoyed activities.
  • Unexplained physical ailments such as headaches or muscle pain.
  • Difficulty focusing or concentrating.

Please contact me..

in whatever way feels comfortable—call, email, web form—to schedule a confidential phone consultation. I invite you to explore my website for more information about my approach and what you can expect from our work together.
Contact me now
Free Consultation | 415-255-2690