My Unique Method

I facilitate a highly individualized process that can do more than just help your pain go away. I can help you transform your struggles into a pathway to a powerful and deep alliance with yourself.

This inner relationship is something you can carry with you and continue to cultivate throughout your lifetime. It provides a “home-base” from which you can engage your experiences and relationships with greater awareness and trust.

When we’re willing to engage with ourselves—and a skilled, supportive otheras we are, we can begin in earnest to experience, know and embrace who we are and what really matters to us. As this happens the grip of our past and limiting personality patterns begins to soften.

Then we are free to embody ourselves more deeply, and to align our actual daily lives—intentions, choices, commitments—with our clearest longings and aspirations.

1. Holistic

Body, heart, mind and spirit are all equally important aspects of being human. My work invites each and supports their integration.

2. Collaborative

I see the relationship between therapist and client as a partnership with shared motivations and goals. I facilitate and help support a process we co-create together.

3. Individually tailored

Each person is a rich, complex, highly individual being with a unique life experience. My goal is to meet each client precisely where he/she is, and from there, allow a clear direction and process to emerge. I draw on a range of therapeutic modalities to address your individual needs.

4. Experiential & mindfulness-based

Change and transformation occur not only through understanding or greater insight –though these are important– but also through shifts in our immediate experience and perception. I encourage my clients, to the extent they feel comfortable and/or willing, to explore the here-and-now, embodied, emotionally-laden aspects of their experience during sessions, and to gradually begin to link these with cognitive ways of knowing.

5. Non-pathologizing

Symptoms and life struggles are understood not as problems to be fixed or eradicated, but rather as important conveyors of useful information and knowledge that can be garnered for growth and well-being.

6. Builds on your unique strengths

Everyone who seeks therapy has a set of strengths, resources, personal “gifts” or capacities. Each individual has found their unique way to remain resilient, to cope with obstacles, setbacks and real disappointments. Our work together builds on these resources to create and maintain momentum for growth.

As we work together, you may notice yourself becoming more anchored in your experience, more deeply connected to your own inner guidance and clear sensing, more aware of the specific habits and patterns that get in your way. You may also gradually see your awareness and capacities grow in healthy ways that serve you.


Please contact me..

in whatever way feels comfortable—call, email, web form—to schedule a confidential phone consultation. I invite you to explore my website for more information about my approach and what you can expect from our work together.

Contact me now
Free Consultation | 415-255-2690